Services, SAISD Health » Medicine at School

Medicine at School

Only the school nurse and authorized employees may administer medication. For short-term use, such as an antibiotic, the medication must be given to the school nurse in the original, properly labeled container, provided by the parent/guardian, along with a signed written request.

Prescription medication for long-term use, such as a medication for ADD/ADHD or Seizures, must be given to the school nurse in the original, properly labeled container, provided by the parent, along with a signed written request from the parent and a U.S. licensed physician.

Nonprescription medication must be received in the original, properly labeled, provided by the parent along with a signed written request. Herbal preparations, dietary supplements, and medication filled or purchased outside the U.S. will not be administered.

For student safety, all medication should be transported to and from school by a parent/guardian and given to the campus nurse.