Covid-19 Prevention and Alerts » Apart We Stand Together - Stay Home when Sick! (en&sp) 0409

Apart We Stand Together - Stay Home when Sick! (en&sp) 0409

Before social distancing, each person with #COVID19 spread the virus to 2.5 more people. At that pace, most would get it, and many more people would die. But we can slow the spread.  That’s why we all #StayHome.  #ApartTogether we slow coronavirus.


Antes del distanciamiento social, cada persona con #COVID19 transmitió el virus a 2.5 personas.A ese ritmo, muchas personas se contagiarían, y muchas personas morirían.Pero podemos retrasar la propagación.Por eso todos quedemonos en casa y paremos el Coronavirus.#ApartTogether


Apart we stand together! Stay Home When Sick!